Why sprouting grains and nuts is good for you.
The research shows that sprouts contain probably the largest amount of nutrients per unit of any food known.
Enzymes that initiate and control most chemical reactions in our body are activated in the sprouting process. This helps convert proteins into amino acids, starch into glucose and increases the value of vitamins. For example, vitamin B increases by 1,000 per cent and Vitamin C by 600 per cent in sprouted wheat.
A study of Chinese pharmacopoeia revealed that the Chinese could lose weight, cure rheumatism, lower fever and tone the body through the regular consumption of sprouts.
Sprouts were introduced to the West by Captain Cook. Despite many strenuous voyages spanning a decade, his crew was remarkably fit. Their secret - sprouted beans.
It is best to eat sprouts fresh. However, the nourishment which develops as the sprouts grow is very stable and sprouts can be frozen or dried for future use.
Sprouts can be mixed with other foods and dressings such as lemon juice and rock salt. This live food rejuvenates body cells and tissues and provides energy. It also retards the aging process. Sprouted potato and tomato seeds, however, should be avoided as they are poisonous. Alfalfa and moong-bean sprouts are, on the other hand, excellent soft food: they contain every known vitamin necessary for the human body in perfect balance. And yes, they don't taste bad either.
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