Beyond Good Intentions...
By Andrew Cohen
I don't have any particular New Year's message for you because the concept of the "new year" doesn't really mean anything to me.
I see the passing of time as one spiraled line. So I don't really see that there's anything special about this particular day.
For most people, the beginning of a new year means a renewing of those commitments that we feel are the most important. But to me, every single day is that day! I would hope that we would each get to that point in our own spiritual and moral development where making those commitments is something that we have already done and are always doing.
And the way that we were living and the consequences of our actions would be an ongoing reflection of that fact. I think we have to get to that point - otherwise we're living in a world of broken promises and good intentions that don't really amount to much in the long run.
So we want to evolve to such a degree that we're always very clear about what's most important. And then we make good on it, and we spend the rest of our life making good on it - in such a way that there is tangible, objective evidence that we have done it, and that we are continuing to do it. So I just want to encourage people to get moving - sometime around yesterday! There is no time to waste.
Another year comes to an end! I hope it was a good one for you. The next should be even better! Wishing you just that - with Love Light and Laughter - Dominique