Thursday, September 7, 2023

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a succulent household plant from a lily family. It has been used in herbal medicine thousands of years. Earliest records date back to Sumeria and Ancient Egypt. It is believed that Cleopatra used aloe vera in her legendary beauty regimen.

The plant is native to the African continent and has been widely cultivated throughout the world. It grows in the Arabian Peninsula; Eastern Africa, including Sudan; Western Africa, including Nigeria; throughout North Africa, including Egypt, Morocco, and Mauritania; Southern Spain and the Canary Islands, Madeira and Cape Verde; China, Mexico, United States, notably New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, and Florida; Australia and Barbados, to name the most important regions. The leaves are harvested to obtain the inner jelly-like section for health and beauty purposes.

Traditionally, Aloe vera plant has been used to cure many ailments and diseases, including constipation, fungal infections and candida, skin disorders, and even cancer. There are more than 700 scientific and clinical studies documenting efficacy of this plant. Both, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda, use Aloe vera in their preparations.

Aloe vera contains more than 200 biologically active compounds such as amino acids; polysaccharides; antioxidants; vitamins such as the B vitamins, including B12, vitamin C, beta-carotene, choline, and folic acid; minerals including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, chromium, copper and manganese; unsaturated fatty acids and enzymes. All the compounds act in synergy to provide unique healing effect.

Aloe vera jelly can be applied to injured, inflamed, infected, burnt or dehydrated skin. it is anti-sceptic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral. It moisturizes and disinfects, and helps reconstruct damaged skin.

The precious jelly, however, can do so much more. You can use it for: 
  • detox - the jelly helps clear and expel toxins form the intestines as well as from the liver; 
  • immune system support - vitamins and polysaccharides, especially the acemannan in Aloe vera, support healthy immune system. Acemannan stimulates the action of the macrophages or the defense cells that are responsible for fighting infections within the body;
  • alkalization - Aloe vera has the same pH as the human skin and can be used to heal the skin, but also internally to normalize the body pH;
  • to improve digestive health - compounds in Aloe vera help reduce inflammation of the  stomach and the intestinal tract, and provide relief from heartburn;
  • to prevent constipation - skin of the Aloe very leaves contain two laxative substances - aloin and emodin. Preparations containing these substances help improve regularity and prevent constipation; 
  • to balance cholesterol - beta sitosterol in Aloe vera may help balance cholesterol levels in serum and thus promote cardiovascular health; 
  • to regulate blood sugar - compounds in Aloe vera such as lectins, mannans, and anthraquinones help regulate blood glucose levels;
  • to reduce weight - improved digestion, balanced blood sugar and healthy cholesterol levels together with some additional lifestyle changes, lead to weigh loss. Regular consumption of Aloe vera helps maintain optimal body weight;  
  • to reduce inflammation - Aloe very soothes inflammation inside and out. 
There are many high quality, certified organic products on the market. Capsules are made mostly for internal use. Aloe vera juice or gel (jelly) are intended for both, internal and external, use. There are also cosmetic products containing certified organic Aloe vera juice. Such products usually help soothe and improve the health of skin, but are not intended of internal use. Choose wisely.

An Aloe very plant on a windowsill in a kitchen or in the garden is a perfect way to prepare for emergencies such as small burns or sunburn. Remember, however, that Aloe vera plant is toxic to cats and dogs. If you have pets, keep the plant in place where they cannot reach it.

By Dominique Teng 
Dominique Teng©2023

*This information is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.