Thursday, November 23, 2023

How to Be Grateful When You Have Nothing to Be Grateful For

The greatest source of happiness is the ability to be grateful at all times. - Zig Ziglar

Thanksgiving is a time of reflection. It is a time when families gather together to count their blessings and express their gratitude for all the good things in their lives. 

But what if you have nothing to be grateful for? What if your loved one or you were diagnosed with an incurable disease? What if you lost your home due to a natural disaster? What if you lost your job? What if you were a victim of a terrible crime? What if all your savings are gone thanks to the raging inflation? What if you lost someone? 

It isn't easy to express appreciation and gratitude in challenging times. When bitterness, fear, disappointment, anger, and uncertainty dominate your emotional landscape, it is difficult to be grateful. And yet, we can only survive the storm if we have hope.

Can we fake gratitude? 

Research shows that people who feel grateful are not only happier but also healthier. Scientists measured lower levels of stress hormones, less inflammation in the body, and even improved immunity in people who felt grateful or had thoughts of gratitude.* Wouldn't this alone be a good reason to motivate oneself to a daily practice of gratefulness? 

Do not compare your misery to the happiness of others. Accept reality as it is and do not suppress your real feelings. Instead, try to find something that will bring you joy every day and be grateful for it. Take time to observe nature, listen to music, read poetry, or talk to a dear friend. Take time to pamper yourself. Shift your attitude. Embrace activities that give you comfort and consciously express your gratitude even if you do not feel like it. If there is nothing at all, recall a happy moment from the past.

Start your day by counting the good things in your life and end it reflecting on all the things that warmed your heart: a smile from a child, a kind gesture from a stranger, a leaf falling off the tree and dancing before you... Make gratitude a habit. This will give you the strength to continue even in the most difficult circumstances. 

The tragedy of our existence is the realization that good things do not last. But neither do the bad things, and this alone is a very good reason to be grateful. 

Wishing you a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving - Dominique

Post scriptum

Stress kills so please, do not underestimate the impact your nastiness, your anger, your egoism and intolerance have on others, especially those who are sick, those who are trying to heal and are too weak or simply not willing to fight with you. 

When I wrote this post my husband who had stage IV kidney cancer was still alive. On Thanksgiving's Eve he felt a little tired and weak but was in a very good mood. We had hope and felt grateful. That day, however, his condition deteriorated considerably after his daughter quarreled with him over the phone because he declined an invitation that would involve a 70-miles drive from Roswell, NM, to her home in Carlsbad, NM. This quarrel stressed and depressed him more than one could even imagine. He collapsed later in the evening and had to be taken by helicopter from Roswell, NM to a hospital in El Paso, TX. He never recovered and eventually left this plane of existence on December 15, 2023. He was 70 years old.

Also of interest: The Importance of Being Grateful

*Lilian Jans-Beken, Nele Jacobs, Mayke Janssens, et al. Gratitude and health: An updated review. The Journal of Positive Psychology. 2020/15:6. pp 743-782

Dominique Allmon©2023

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

A Psalm of Life

What the Heart of the Young Man Said to the Psalmist

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
   "Life is but an empty dream!"
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
   And things are not what they seem.

Life is real! Life is earnest!
   And the grave is not its goal;
"Dust thou art, to dust returnest,"
   Was not spoken of the soul.

Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
   Is our destined end or way;
But to act, that each to-morrow
   Finds us farther than to-day.

Art is long, and Time is fleeting,
   And our hearts, though stout and brave,
Still, like muffled drums, are beating
   Funeral marches to the grave.

In the world's broad field of battle,
   In the bivouac of Life,
Be not like dumb, driven cattle!
   Be a hero in the strife!

Trust no Future, howe'er pleasant!
   Let the dead Past bury its dead!
Act,--act in the living Present!
   Heart within, and God o'erhead!

Lives of great men all remind us
   We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
   Footprints on the sands of time;

Footprints, that perhaps another,
   Sailing o'er life's solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
   Seeing, shall take heart again.

Let us, then, be up and doing,
   With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing
   Learn to labor and to wait.

by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)

Image: Cemetery Angel by Dominique Allmon©2023

Poem: A Psalm of Life by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Source: Public domain.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Why Do We Love Horror?

With Halloween upon us and the recent release of "The Exorcist: Believer" movie by David Gordon Green, there is a little horror everywhere you look. Haunted mansions, spooky pumpkins, scary black cats, and kids running around in ghastly costumes, not to mention the daily news cycle that brings a horror of a different kind to your home. 
A gruesome horror movie or a dark story read from a well worn book at the end of the day will for sure give us the nightmare we are not quite sure we want to experience. And yet, so many people love the the chilling thrill.

Monsters, witches, werewolves, zombies, homicidal dolls, vampires, ghosts, vicious clowns, unnamed supernatural evil, cruel people, violence, and bloody terror, all exert incredible fascination on the lovers and haters of the genre alike.

If you have watched the Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby, Shining, Omen, or the Frankenstein, you might have experienced genuine fear with all the physiological symptoms that we normally experience in fearful real life situations. The heartbeat changes, blood pressure goes up, body temperature drops, and the palms begin to sweat. The story we are reading or watching might be completely irrational, but the brain interprets the fear-inducing stimuli as real.

So, why do we love horror?

Already in Antiquity people seemed to have indulged in horror. Greek mythology is full of monsters, but Greek tragedies that translated human condition into an incomprehensible terror also provided emotional release, or catharsis. The modern reader or viewer is not much different in this regard. Horror movies give us the chance to release pent up aggression and suppressed negative emotions.

Many of the horror movies, especially the older ones, explore the unconscious. Postulated by Freud, this is a terrain of secret desires and suppressed emotions that are deeply hidden in our psyche, but drive our motivations.

The dark side is a part of our psyche, if you prefer the Jungian interpretation, and should be embraced. The ominous, the obscure, the morbid, witchcraft, black magic, and satanism, are very old phenomena and our modern society is no different that the societies of the past. This fascination becomes problematic only when it takes pathological dimensions.

Morbid fascination, adrenaline rush, curiosity and thrill of excitement, might be the reasons why some people love the horror. Sensitive viewers, however, might be scarred for life with the visual imagery of horror movies. Young children, especially, might be deeply affected by the explicit violence of the genre. The effects are not benign and should not be treated lightly.

A little horror on Halloween is a completely different story, so enjoy and have fun!

By DominiqueAllmon
Image: Black Cat on VegvĂ­sir by Dominique Allmon©2023

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a succulent household plant from a lily family. It has been used in herbal medicine thousands of years. Earliest records date back to Sumeria and Ancient Egypt. It is believed that Cleopatra used aloe vera in her legendary beauty regimen.

The plant is native to the African continent and has been widely cultivated throughout the world. It grows in the Arabian Peninsula; Eastern Africa, including Sudan; Western Africa, including Nigeria; throughout North Africa, including Egypt, Morocco, and Mauritania; Southern Spain and the Canary Islands, Madeira and Cape Verde; China, Mexico, United States, notably New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, and Florida; Australia and Barbados, to name the most important regions. The leaves are harvested to obtain the inner jelly-like section for health and beauty purposes.

Traditionally, Aloe vera plant has been used to cure many ailments and diseases, including constipation, fungal infections and candida, skin disorders, and even cancer. There are more than 700 scientific and clinical studies documenting efficacy of this plant. Both, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda, use Aloe vera in their preparations.

Aloe vera contains more than 200 biologically active compounds such as amino acids; polysaccharides; antioxidants; vitamins such as the B vitamins, including B12, vitamin C, beta-carotene, choline, and folic acid; minerals including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, chromium, copper and manganese; unsaturated fatty acids and enzymes. All the compounds act in synergy to provide unique healing effect.

Aloe vera jelly can be applied to injured, inflamed, infected, burnt or dehydrated skin. it is anti-sceptic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral. It moisturizes and disinfects, and helps reconstruct damaged skin.

The precious jelly, however, can do so much more. You can use it for: 
  • detox - the jelly helps clear and expel toxins form the intestines as well as from the liver; 
  • immune system support - vitamins and polysaccharides, especially the acemannan in Aloe vera, support healthy immune system. Acemannan stimulates the action of the macrophages or the defense cells that are responsible for fighting infections within the body;
  • alkalization - Aloe vera has the same pH as the human skin and can be used to heal the skin, but also internally to normalize the body pH;
  • to improve digestive health - compounds in Aloe vera help reduce inflammation of the  stomach and the intestinal tract, and provide relief from heartburn;
  • to prevent constipation - skin of the Aloe very leaves contain two laxative substances - aloin and emodin. Preparations containing these substances help improve regularity and prevent constipation; 
  • to balance cholesterol - beta sitosterol in Aloe vera may help balance cholesterol levels in serum and thus promote cardiovascular health; 
  • to regulate blood sugar - compounds in Aloe vera such as lectins, mannans, and anthraquinones help regulate blood glucose levels;
  • to reduce weight - improved digestion, balanced blood sugar and healthy cholesterol levels together with some additional lifestyle changes, lead to weigh loss. Regular consumption of Aloe vera helps maintain optimal body weight;  
  • to reduce inflammation - Aloe very soothes inflammation inside and out. 
There are many high quality, certified organic products on the market. Capsules are made mostly for internal use. Aloe vera juice or gel (jelly) are intended for both, internal and external, use. There are also cosmetic products containing certified organic Aloe vera juice. Such products usually help soothe and improve the health of skin, but are not intended of internal use. Choose wisely.

An Aloe very plant on a windowsill in a kitchen or in the garden is a perfect way to prepare for emergencies such as small burns or sunburn. Remember, however, that Aloe vera plant is toxic to cats and dogs. If you have pets, keep the plant in place where they cannot reach it.

By Dominique Allmon 
Dominique Allmon©2023

*This information is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Sunday, September 3, 2023


September days 

have the warmth of summer

in their briefer hours, 

but in their lengthening evenings 

a prophetic breath of autumn. 

- Rowland E. Robinson 


Image: September by Dominique Teng©2023

Thursday, July 27, 2023

You Too Can Grow Through Dark Times


Like the lotus, 

you too can grow through dark times and difficulties. 

You can rise again and again to shine like new 

because there’s something inside of you 

that the world can’t touch. -

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

To Your Health! - Water

We are in the middle of a wonderfully hot summer. When temperatures soar, you are more likely to experience thirst. The only beverage that your body really needs is water.

The human body is composed of about 75 percent water. The remaining 25 percent are solid matter. Water regulates body temperature, lubricates the skin and the joints. It delivers nutrients and oxygen to your cells, removes and transports the waste products out of your body.

We lose water through urination, respiration and transpiration. Also, alcohol as well as drinks containing caffeine, like sodas, coffee and black tea for instance, cause the loss of water in the human body. If you do not replenish the lost water, you will start experiencing the first signs of dehydration like headache, impaired cognition, disorientation, sluggish digestion, pain in muscles and joints, lower back pain, exhaustion, and body odor. Your urine will turn dark and have a strong odor as well. 

The lack of water leads to a chronic dehydration which is the root cause of many degenerative diseases. You can, however, prevent and reverse dehydration simply by increasing your daily intake of water. The amount of water you need to drink depends on your lifestyle, the work you are performing, and the climate you live in. If you are more physically active and sweat more, you will need to drink more water.

Learn to monitor your water intake. To calculate the amount of water your body needs, take your body weight in pounds and divide that number in half. That should give you the number of ounces of water that you need to drink daily. For example, your weight is 150 pounds. Divide 150 by 2. You will get 75 which is approximately the number of ounces of water your body needs - 75 or slightly more than a gallon. Increase this amount if you are working out, jogging, or performing other physically demanding task. Replenish your water if you regularly drink coffee and sodas. 

The quality of water you drink is very important as well. Filtered, ionized water is most beneficial. A low sodium bottled mineral water with high mineral content is a good alternative if you do not own a water filter or a water ionizer, or are on the go.

Approximately 20 percent of the water your body needs comes from many foods that you eat. Fruits and vegetables have a very high water content, cucumber and water melon being among the highest. Make sure that you include enough of them in your diet as they also deliver the vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function properly. 

Some people count the coffee as liquid that adds to the daily liquid intake. Unfortunately, coffee is a known diuretic that makes you lose water quickly. If you area a coffee drinker, do like the Italians, or the Austrians do - have a glass of water with your coffee.

Dehydration can have devastating effects on your body. The damage can be reversed. All you need to do is to hydrate and replenish the lost water in your body. You can eliminate pain, hypertension, digestive disorders cased by dehydration. You can also lose weight and rejuvenate your skin and joints if you drink more. 

Our bodies need electrolytes for the hydration to be delivered to all cells. To replenish lost electrolytes simply add a pinch of mineral-rich, unrefined, pink Himalayan salt or any other ancient sea salt, and a few drops of freshly pressed lemon juice. To make your water taste even better, add some fresh mint or any fresh herb of your choice.

Stay well hydrated, especially on hot days. Drink more water!

By Dominique Allmon

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Happy Summer Solstice!

Golden Bee by Dominique Teng©2023

One way of celebrating the Solstice 

is to consider it a sacred time 

of reflection, release, restoration, and renewal. 

- Sarah Ban Breathnach, author, philanthropist, public speaker


Image: Golden Bee by Dominique Teng©2023

Friday, May 19, 2023

Happy World Bee Day

Visiting Bee by Dominique Allmon©2023

Where there are bees there are flowers, 

and wherever there are flowers 

there is new life and hope. 

- Christy Lefteri in "The Beekeeper of Aleppo"


In 2018 the United Nations Organization declared May 20th the World Bee Day to acknowledge the role bees play in our ecosystem, and to raise awareness about the declining pollinating insects populations and the need to support and protect them.

Promote biodiversity. Start a garden. Plant flowers, flowering herbs and shrubs everywhere you can! 


Visiting Bee by Dominique Allmon©2023

Images: Visiting Bees by Dominique Allmon©2023

World Bee Day

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

How to Support Immune System During Cancer Therapy

For James

Cancer diagnosis is probably the worst thing that can happen to you. It comes as an incredible shock to the patient and it is a no lesser shock to the patient's relatives. What follows the diagnosis cannot be described in words. No one can understand the fear unless he or she has been diagnosed. 

A cascade of questions follows the diagnosis. Why me? What went wrong? How did this happen? What caused it? Could I have done something differently? Is there anything I can do to slow the progress of the disease? What are my chances? Can I be cured? How can I mitigate side effects of chemotherapy? What can I eat? etc. etc. etc.

Fear, guilt, uncertainty about the therapy and its outcome follow the patient like a dark shadow. 

Once the therapy has been chosen by the oncologist, the patient has to deal with horrifying side effects. Depending on the type of therapy or the drugs used, the patient experiences 

  • weakened immune system
  • high blood pressure
  • anemia 
  • loss of appetite 
  • changes in taste
  • indigestion
  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • nausea 
  • vomiting
  • increased urination 
  • kidney dysfunction 
  • muscle loss
  • skin and nail changes
  • hair loss
  • fatigue
  • confusion
  • overall weakness

to name the most common and visible ones.

Patients who asked their oncologist for nutritional advice are often told that they can eat anything they want but might need to lose weight if they are obese. The more lucky ones are told to try the Mediterranean diet that is known for its overall health benefits.

Why is food even important during cancer treatment? 

We all need nutrients, but people undergoing cancer therapy even more so. They need to build up strength and stamina, strengthen their immune system, and nourish their bodies that are being weakened by cancer and the cancer treatment drugs. Some foods might be better than others, so how do we choose the right ones?

Although the food industry does not want us to know, many of the food items that we consume daily contain unhealthy ingredients, some of them carcinogenic or cancer growth promoting. Some of the worst foods and substances for cancer patients or anyone who wants to stay healthy, for that matter, include:

  • sugar and refined carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, cornflakes, cakes, cookies, pastry, donuts, or ice cream
  • processed meats like hot dogs, corned beef, ham, bacon, or summer sausage
  • fried, deep fried and charred foods 
  • conventional dairy 
  • alcohol. 

Anything processed and packaged is full of added sugar, high fructose syrup, or artificial sweeteners, hydrogenated fats, preserving agents, artificial coloring, chemical flavors, and flavor enhancers. Just check the list of ingredients. Some ingredients might not even be listed if they are present at an incidental level. Some are listed as "spices," "flavors," "natural" or "artificial flavoring" that can combine countless chemical ingredients and are usually considered to be the manufacturer's protected "secret" formulas. 

Understanding how fast food, junk food, and packaged foods of all kinds, are affecting our bodies, we all shall agree that in order to prevent chronic disease, heal from cancer, or stay healthy for as long as possible, we must eat food that is full of vital nutrients and free from disease- or inflammation-causing chemicals. 

Many nutritionists would suggest that patients eat more fruit and vegetables, preferably organic, add some fish and chicken, beans, whole grains, nuts, and spices to their meal plan, and drink plenty of purified water and organic green tea. But what if the therapy makes it impossible for the patient to even hold the food down? 

I am an advocate of a raw food lifestyle that includes foods like raw fruits, vegetables and sprouted nuts that are rich in enzymes, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and various health promoting phytonutrients. I understand that roughage in raw foods might cause some discomfort in patients with compromised digestive tracts due to chemotherapy. However, turning a salad into a juice, healthy smoothie or a nutritious raw soup, would make the raw food more easily digestible and still deliver the nutrients needed for optimal health. Just juice or blend the ingredients in a blender, add a few drops of virgin olive oil, some chopped fresh herbs and organic spices, and voilĂ ! Your raw soup is ready.

Some immune system modulating nutrients, like vitamin C and vitamin D for instance, must be supplemented daily. Supplements like Pectasol, graviola, curcumin, sulforaphane, medicinal mushrooms, fiber, laetrile, hydrogen, probiotics, alpha lipoic acid, green tea, and melatonin, are also often included in the protocols since they all support the patient's immune system. 

Fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut can help restore healthy gut microbiome and help with digestion and nutrient absorption.

Natural solutions like ginger tea made of sliced fresh ginger rhizome and purified water, might help the patient manage nausea without horrible side effects. 

Patients undergoing cancer therapy may experience severe dehydration. They must replace the lost fluids and electrolytes. Electrolytes are minerals such as sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium. These minerals are vital for maintaining key bodily functions. The best way to replenish the lost electrolytes naturally is to add a tiny pinch of pink Himalayan salt and some freshly pressed lemon juice into a glass of purified water. Fresh coconut water straight out of a fresh young coconut works as well. By all means avoid sports drinks since they are either loaded with sugar or are full of artificial sweeteners and flavors.

Dr. Lodi, whom I consider to be one of the most interesting personalities in the field of integrative oncology, has a full protocol for cancer patients that involves, among others, raw food, juicing and fasting. The patient must change the "terrain" in which cancer proliferates, and make his own body inhospitable to new cancer cells. 

Oncogenesis is a complex process, but patients can learn new strategies that promote healing and recovery. 

To support the immune system, healthy eating habits are vital for any patient undergoing cancer therapy, but in order to heal, the whole lifestyle must be changed. 

A health coach would suggest

  • weight loss (where necessary)
  • increased physical activity (wherever possible)
  • emotional well being
  • stress control
  • restorative sleep
  • infrared sauna 
  • liver detox
  • colon cleanse 
  • treatment for parasitic infections
  • environment free of toxins and harmful chemicals
  • life free of destructive relationships.

If you want to heal, surround yourself with people you can trust. Find a support group. Find a registered nutritionist who understands cancer. Stop watching the news on TV. Resolve your conflicts. Declutter your house. Find a hobby that would enrich your mind and soul. 

All this might seem overwhelming at first but you can do it gradually, one item at a time. Ask for help. Hire a coach. Hire a personal trainer. Mobilize family members to do the tasks you are unable to do anymore. Create an environment in which you can heal and return your body to a healthy equilibrium.

Your disease is not a punishment. It developed over time in an environment that wasn't conducive to health. To get healthy, you have to revise your beliefs and change your habits. Qualified people can show you how to do this but no one can do it for you. You are the master of your own universe.

As Dr. Lodi says, you are not your diagnosis. You can activate your healing potential, but the healing will take time, so be patient. Trust in your body's ability to heal. You are magnificent. Persevere! Don't ever give up.

By Dominique Allmon

*I am not affiliated in any way with Dr. Lodi.

Post scriptum

I wrote this short article for my husband who was diagnosed with stage IV renal cell carcinoma in Fall 2021. His therapy began in January 2022. We did a lot of research and were completely inundated with often conflicting information at this initial stage of his treatment. My first visit to the cancer treatment center left me speechless. It was a very long day, but there was time for a quick lunch at the center's cafeteria. The cafeteria was a place where patients and their relatives, doctors, nurses and the center's personnel would normally have lunch. There was hardly anything I wanted to eat. Like in most American coffee shops, there were a few salads, some sandwiches, and not too many healthy dishes on the menu. What shocked me the most were the sugar loaded cakes and deserts. Information that sugar is really a toxic substance that feeds the cancer cells seemed to have escaped those who run that establishment. 

Old habits die hard and there is nothing more difficult than changing the way people eat. If you were diagnosed with cancer, you need to reconsider your choices. In many cases you will have to give up many of your favorite foods and exercise self-discipline. Your healing journey will probably be the most difficult thing you have ever experienced, so stay strong.

Dominique Allmon©2023

Information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose, treat or cure a disease. You must consult your oncologist before including any new supplement or food into your daily routine. Some supplements and foods might interact with your medication or cause allergic reactions. Caution is advised.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!

On the last day of the world I would want to plant a tree. 

- W.S. Merwin


Stop deforestation. 

Plant trees. 

Restore tropical jungles. 

Save the Earth!

Friday, March 10, 2023

Nature Waking Up in March

Image: Nature Waking Up in March  by Dominique Teng©2023 
 “By March, the worst of the winter would be over. 
The snow would thaw, the rivers begin to run 
and the world would wake into itself again.” 
- Neil Gaiman
Image: Nature Waking Up in March by Dominique Teng©2023

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Alien Threat

"Can we and all nations not live in peace? 
In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. 
I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. 
And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?"
- President Ronald Reagan in an address to the United Nations General Assembly on September 21, 1987. 
Image source unknown but greatly appreciated.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Saving Earth

For James

Roswell, NM. July 8, 1947
Twenty minutes too late! Can you imagine? The entire area where the spacecraft crashed has been cordoned off. It's like a scene from a late 1930s science fiction movie! Bright lights, cops, military, journalists, suspicious looking men in black suits, suspense. This could have been the greatest story ever told. If only I got a hold of the rancher. But Mac Brazel was nowhere to be found...
Moon Base Luna Alpha One.

Mission Commander. Personal logbook. June 29, 2378 (Ancestral Time System).

I am a third generation scientist here on the Moon. There are twenty five thousand of us. We are the only humans in the entire universe, although our ancestors would probably call us "trans-human".

Here on the Moon we outlived the humanity which was obliterated in three consecutive atomic wars in the 2020s.

We can see the earthrise, but the Earth we see is not the blue-green planet our grandparents watched rising when they first came here in the year 2018. The planet we see is a dead, scorched, inhabitable sphere that resembles Mars rather than the image I remember seeing on my father's personal computer.
As a child I always wondered what life must have been like on Earth. I visited the Gaia Park as often as I could, but I was never sure that the holographic images we created at the touch of a button were what the Earth was really like before the destruction. You could immerse yourself in any landscape with all its scents and sounds, temperature and precipitation for the most authentic earth experience. And yet, I was never fully satisfied. I always wanted more.

This is why I decided to develop the time travel technology. I wanted to go back to the world my grandparents loved so much.

Like every child at Luna Alpha One I studied the old masters. They had so many interesting concepts, but they seemed to never agree on anything. Out of hubris they would dismiss the truth in order to uphold their own faulty theories. Can you imagine that they would kill those who disagreed with them? And yet, not even one of them ever came close to the Truth. At their evolutionary level none of them would comprehend it anyway.
Discord seemed to permeate all aspects of human existence. They were so rich and yet, so poor. Maybe it was their fear of dying that made them so hostile, so belligerent, so hateful.

I remember reading my grandmother's diary. Since the young age she was terrified of getting old. In the 1990s she studied human genetics and the orthomolecular medicine. She hoped to discover the Fountain of Youth. She made some progress when she stumbled upon the telomerase research. With this knowledge she was able to considerably slow down the aging process, but was not fully satisfied. The real breakthrough came when she met my grandfather. They combined her research with his progressive nano-technology. Together they were able to extend the lifespan of existing humans to 140 years, but the embryos they created were immortal. 
We are the new humans. We grow older, but we do not really age. Senescence is unknown to us. And we do not die. Those who wish may withdraw from life and enter the state of Permanent Awe, but most of us prefer to remain active for hundreds of years. There is simply too much to do in this vast universe.

We can synthesize our own nutrition accordingly to our individual needs and are able to monitor our somatic processes. Nano robots are mobilized to repair any damage to a tissue or an organ, and we can upload the latest longevity software into our mitochondria.

We live in our trans-human paradise and no one even thinks of changing the way we coexist. We do not use money and consider material possessions meaningless.

The only wealth we care about is our knowledge. Although any of us can upload any information to our brains, the real wealth comes from our ability to use that data. Unlike our human ancestors we use our knowledge to create, not to destroy.
It is difficult to imagine that most of them believed they were alone in the universe. Those who considered that there was life in the outer space believed that contact was impossible with the technology they possessed. What they did not understand was that it was their mindset and not the lack of technology that prevented them from making a connection with what they called non-human entities. 
I look out and see Earth. It must have been such a lovely planet once. Pity, really. But maybe not all is lost. If my mission is successful we may be able to turn things around and prevent the disaster that destroyed all life there. 
Our space-time ship is equipped with a state of the art technology. We have transformed my husband's Vega 123 vehicle. Jim designed it for our honeymoon in outer space. He even received a Moebius Prize for her! An unbelievably clever trick and a state-of-the-art technology prevents molecular disintegration upon the entry into a black hole. We named her Gaia 1, of course, and I cannot wait to board it. 
We plan to land on Earth at a place called Los Alamos/35°53′28″N 106°17′52″W moments before the first atomic test on July 16, 1945. I studied the Manhattan Project materials. Some interesting stuff. Clever minds at work. But no one there seemed to understand that there were so many other uses for the nuclear power. 
If I could only persuade all those involved to abandon the thoughts of destruction we could alter the flow of events on Earth...
Moon Base Luna Alpha One. Mission Control Center. Newsroom. July 7, 2378 (Ancestral Time System).

Something went horribly wrong! The last message that came from Gaia 1 indicated a serious change in space-time coordinates. The craft seemed to have crashed at Roswell/33°23′14″N 104°31′41″W/July 7/1947. Connection was lost after impact. We suspect that the blast at Los Alamos altered Gaia's landing coordinates. A rescue mission is being considered by the Council. Our hearts and minds are with the brave crew. 
By Dominique Allmon

Dominique Allmon©2023

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

A Gentleman In Moscow And The Soul Of Russia

"A Gentleman in Moscow" by Amor Towles. Image by Dominique Allmon©2023

"A Gentleman in Moscow" by Amor Towles. I had this book on my bookshelf for more than four years. It was waiting its turn to be read. The purchase was a result of a serious affliction called tsundoku where a person purchases more books than she or he can ever read and simply lets them sit on a bookshelf.

It's a brilliant, very well written, intelligent, witty, novel written by a man of great talent and erudition. 

This is a book you need to savor like a glass of the rarest Bordeaux or a piece of the finest Belgian chocolate. 

The main protagonist, Count Alexander Rostov, reflects on his past and lives through his memories. Like Swan in Proust's novel, Count's memories become vivid at the scent, sound or taste of things past. 
In 1922 Rostov, an unrepentant aristocrat, was sentenced by the Bolshevik court to house arrest. For the rest of his life he had to remain confined within the walls of the Hotel Metropol in Moscow. His physical world shrunk considerably, but the confinement opened the door to much richer regions of intellect and emotions.

This book evoked in me memories from the past long gone. Just like the Count, I suddenly remembered things I thought I forgot. Having studied Russian language, literature, and history in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and having visited Russia for the first time in December of 1980 - a trip that started in Moscow and ended in Kiev but took us with a special permit to the restricted area of Irkutsk and the Baikal Sea in Siberia at -52°F; the Silk Road republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan; Azerbaijan, and Georgia. I had so many memories of my own. 

I was able to recall so much of that Russian soul that permeates every aspect of this book. I remembered the taste of thinly sliced, garlic marinated pork fat I had in Irkutsk; I remembered the Georgian red wine I drank in Tbilisi; I remembered the taste of caviar I ate in Moscow and Baku; I remembered the Olivier salad I had in Kiev; and of course, all the horrible hotels, restaurants, and airports. 
No visitor to the Soviet Union liked the fact of being watched and never free to go wherever one wanted. The tour guide would answer all your questions in accordance with the ideology of the communist party that held the Russians in a very tight grip. And there was always at least one commissar attached to the group, carefully watching the tour guide. No amount of vodka would ever relax his ideological hold he had on that person. 
Everything in the Soviet Russia appeared almost surreal. It seemed that people actually believed the nightmarish tale of the "good life" they had in the system that deprived them daily of their humanity. Empty stores, long lines everywhere, overcrowded city buses, bad food and the air so polluted you could not breathe.

Despite all this, the Russians were full of pride and admiration for their own culture, especially their classical music and literature. The Kirov or the Bolshoi ballet companies were the jewels the Soviets displayed proudly. And who in the West did not hear of Tolstoy, Pushkin, or Gogol? 

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the Russians searched for a new identity. The embarrassment of poverty, backwardness, and corruption, the loss of territory, the loss of power, came as a shock to a nation that collectively believed in the success of the communist ideology. Dissent existed in the Soviet Union but was squashed and severely punished.
Is it a wonder that the search for a new identity produced even more poverty, more corruption, more crime? Is it a wonder that power hungry dictators would rule in an absolutist manner? Is it a wonder that the new Russia wants to reintegrate some of its lost territories and regain the importance it once had?

The tsarist Russia was a dangerous neighbor. So was the Soviet Union. So is the Russia of today. In the past, Russia swallowed and subjugated its neighbors. The Soviet Union did the same to countries in Eastern Europe. No one in Poland, Czech Republic or Hungary has ever forgotten this. Amid the largest military buildup in Europe since the Cold War, people in these countries are watching the war in Ukraine in fear and disbelief. 
The war with Ukraine must be seen not only from the geopolitical perspective, but also from the historical and cultural one. There seems to be no resolution to the conflict as animosities are deeply rooted in the minds and hearts of peoples so similar and yet so different. Diplomacy has failed completely. Neither party is willing to make concessions to the other.

In his monumental "War and Peace" novel, Leo Tolstoy said that "if everyone fought for their own convictions there would be no war." But isn't this the very root of the current conflict in which nobody is winning? The belligerent gentleman in Moscow must understand that if he wants to save the Soul of Russia he must end the war. The leadership of Ukraine must be open to compromise if it wants to save the "souls" of the Ukrainian people.

By Dominique Allmon

Dominique Allmon©2023

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Happy Year of the Rabbit!

On January 22, 2023 Chinese people all over the world celebrate the beginning of a Lunar New Year - the Year of the Water Rabbit also known as the Black Rabbit, since color black corresponds with the water element. As every year geomancers and fortune tellers are busy devising fortunes for countless clients who want to make sure that everything goes according to the laws of Heaven and Earth.

The Chinese believe that people born in the Year of the Rabbit are articulate, talented, and ambitious. They are virtuous, reserved, and have excellent taste. Rabbits are also admired, trusted, and are often very fortunate.
Rabbit is the fourth animal that arrived at the feast given by the Buddha. This animal is associated with the Moon because of the mythical Jade Rabbit that is believed to reside there. Rabbit symbolizes grace, mercy, beauty, and good fortune, but also intellect and caution. 

The year of the Rabbit is traditionally associated with home and family, artistic pursuits, diplomacy, and peace. 2023 is expected to be a much calmer year than 2022, so maybe there is hope for a diplomatic resolution of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, and the end of so many other violent confrontations in many countries around the world. 
Individuals will become more introverted, secretive, and family oriented. Nations will become more insular and increasingly protect their borders against the unwanted "intruders". 2023 will also bring amazing creativity in all areas of life, notably in business and in arts. The water element suggests that it would be wise to move with the flow and avoid impulsive decisions.

People born in the Year of the Rabbit as well as people compatible with the Rabbit sign - those born in the years of the Sheep, Dog and Pig - will experience great financial and professional success. People born under other signs may have a bit more difficult ride in 2023. Everything depends on their flexibility and the ability to adopt to ever changing circumstances. 

But no matter what your fortune for the Year of the Rabbit may be, remember that you are the master of your fate. 

Wishing everyone a Happy and Auspicious Chinese New Year  - Dominique

新 年 快 樂 !

Dominique Allmon©2023

Sunday, January 8, 2023