Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Good, The Bad & The Furry

Her Fluffiness, Miss Kiki with her new book

"The Good, The Bad and The Furry" is a lovely and incredibly witty book by a British author, Tom Cox.

The book, that is now on the Sunday Times Bestseller List, is an intimate account of author's adventures with his aging cats. It will make you smile, it will make you lough, it will make you weep.

Wonderfully written, this is Tom's third book describing his life with cats who rule in his household. Tom happily opens the door and invites you to see it for yourself. In no time you become acquainted with four cats whose personalities could not be more diverse. 

If you have ever lived with cats you could probably tell many stories about your own adventures with felines...

By Dominique Allmon