Friday, April 1, 2011

News From Roswell

The New Roswell Abduction Terminal

After more than two years of secrecy the Intergalactic Enterprises Inc. announced yesterday an opening of a new abduction terminal in Roswell, NM. Citizens of this legendary location were aware that something spectacular was taking place in the northern sector of the city, but due to the secrecy of the project no one actually knew what was being constructed behind a tall fence. 

A representative of the company admitted that the IE Inc. wanted to be the first company to ever attempt such construction in the USA. Asked about the participation of Donald Trump and Richard Branson in the project, the young man declined all comments. However, he announced that the first abduction is scheduled for the April 15, 2011 - a day of the official inauguration of the terminal. 

The city of Roswell will provide two shuttle services: one from the Roswell International Airport, the other, from the City Hall. 

As of today the ticket price for the abduction is still unknown. The company informed us, however, that only one way tickets will be available.

By Dominique Allmon ©2011